Well recently I hit up the old Walgreens to get some b-day cards. Well, while I was there I spotted L'Oreal Hip was bogo free!!!!!! So I picked up a new eyeshadow duo from the brights collection and a new color truth cream eyeliner because sadly the one I previously had dried out :-(. Anyways, my new haul made me want to share with you some of my other Hip products, and some youtubers that work wonders with them.
The New stuffies:

Swatch of Flare:

Comparison of my new and old cream liners:

I plan to take much better care of my new one. . .

The rest of my small Hip collection:

Eyeshadow Duos in Flare and Bustling. Color Truth Cream Liner in Black. {Discontinued} Blendable Blushing Cream in well Blushing! :)
Ok, one of the main reasons why I bought those new items was because of the sale of course and because Ateyaaa (youtube/smuvecomplexions.blogspot.com)is having a contest called the "Smuve Look" in which you must submit a video where you must color-coordinate your eyeshadow and outfit and also rock a nice hair do. So I needed and orange shadow to match my hoodie I'm wearing for the contest. So for more info on her contest check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n0SZBs0Mr4
and to see more of her fabulous videos where she also uses hip duos check out her main youtube page here.
Fafinettex3 also has a nice tutorial using the flare duo
DuhPinayPrincezz also has a cute hip duo look:
I figured it was due time for a post and since I;m my school is on it's second snow day in a row(12 in. in Indianapolis!!!!) I figured I had time.
~*Remember!!!!!- Hello Kitty launch is in 15 days!!!!!!!!! Whoo Hoo!! Also, check your local MAC freestanding store for an invitation to the Feb. 3 Unveiling Party!!*~
Love, Peace, and Makeup,
I got flare too. The orange is really pretty.
Do you like the HIP liner? I use Bobbi Brown gel eyeliner but I am running out. I saw them at CVS but wasn't sure how good they were.
Yes infact it is amazing I love to use it since I think liquid might be a little too dramatic for me at school. Watching Fafinettex3 videos got me started on Hip liners, and a lot of people like them, so definately pick one up! I have heard that the black, brown, and teal/blue ones are the most pigmented.
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